about the blog

This blog started out as a personal venture to document all things organizing, simplifying, 5S, Kaizen....you name it, I live, eat, breathe it! Having worked in the industrial sector for 12 years, I now have a chance to share all my learnings and passions with the world through this blog.

My professional successes have come along the way as I navigated my way through the my work-life as a project manager and sales executive. There's no worse feeling than hearing "ya, but you're in sales"....ew, I despise that saying. It made me feel like I shouldn't have a personal connection with my customers because they just saw me as trying to get a sale out of them. And that was never my intention. True, I've held sales positions, but I've always considered myself a business consultant. I used to say that I was not a product pushing person and I stand by that.

My passion is to help people, individuals and businesses, find the bottleneck in their process and eliminate them. My niche is to help quantify the value, depending on what matters to each and every customer. After all, a solution is only relevant if it's valued by the end user. I can make the best macaroni and cheese, have it tested and rated as #1 by cuisine experts, but if you, my customer, are lactose intolerant or have an aversion to pasta, it's absolutely useless to you.

So as time goes by, I will continue to post successes and failures, findings and best practices. Do you have anything to contribute? If so, please feel free to share your organizing, optimizing, 5S-ing, simplifying stories. See you out there.....